
we provide access to our network, partners and tools to any young individual, initiative or organization who share the interest of benefiting others and the community.


we provide access and tools to different training in Sustainability, Project Ideation, Planning, and Policy Drafting.


through the organizations global exposure, we aim to allow our members to gain access and exposure to global experiences, markets, connections and tools.


through our partnerships and network members, IYAF provides planning services for program and projects that serve the organizations and its networks goals.

Simulation Conferences

providing specific tools, content and training on proper implementation of different types of simulation conferences, research and incorporating them in a shared open network, as well as activating both alumni and conference resolutions.


Our Network hosts and serves a range of young and professional enterprises and individuals who provide a range of consultation services to those who are interested.


ranging from content drafting, marketing to reviewing and certifying. Our goal is to enhance the quality of written material being provided in training and introduce the concept of referencing of the Sustainable Development Goals and Impact Measurement in them